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Can I use my own domain to redirect to CrakRevenue offers?

Yes, absolutely! Domain redirection is completely acceptable.

In fact, using your own domain name and redirecting to your CrakRevenue affiliate link(s) just got easier…

Because we feature a multiple URL redirection script that you can use here — similar to an HTML meta refresh but done in JavaScript so you can redirect / A/B test multiple offers, tours, or campaigns.

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What are some tips for building a sustainable business with CrakRevenue?

Making money is the core of any affiliate business—and any business that hopes to avoid bankruptcy.

But, making money at any cost may actually have more detrimental effects and pitfalls that can just as easily end your business faster than – say – bankruptcy.

There are some basic rules that need to be respected if you really wish to build those strong, long-lasting partnerships that are the cornerstone to sustainable growth.

Here are the 7 things you should have ingrained in your memory by now…

1- Respect our TOS, especially Section 5

2- Know your traffic won’t convert? Then don’t send it to a PPL offer.

3- Don’t act like a FISH … IF you’re a WHALE

4- Use only authorized or licensed content to promote

5- Leave all communication channels open

…Read the entire list HERE — we’re not done yet!

Read more here:


Pay-Per-Sale (PPS)

Pay-Per-Sale or PPS – also known as Cost-Per-Sale (CPS) – stands for Pay Per Sale.

It refers to a pricing model where affiliates are paid once they directly generate a sale from the merchant’s or advertiser’s website.

A PPS offer typically pays more per individual sale, but it often has a lower associated conversion rate than its PPL (pay-per-lead) counterpart. This is because PPS offers require the user to enter their credit card information to classify as a sale.

In most cases, assuming the user enters their credit card information, the affiliate will still earn the PPS commission even on trials.

For additional terminology and key performance indicators for measuring success, please see:

All About Media Buying – Part 2 – Traffic Monetization

What type of traffic is not allowed?

It is strictly prohibited to promote any CrakRevenue offers through spam, content locking, and other deceitful tactics. This includes, but is not restricted to: spam (via email, forums, comments and instant messenger), blind leading, direct-to-form promotion, link code hack and unauthorized landing page alteration.

Furthermore, please note that each provider has its own restrictions. You can see each offer’s terms and conditions here:

Read more here:

CrakRevenue Terms of Service

I have an offer/product that I would like to place in CrakRevenue. How do I proceed?

We are always looking for new and interesting partnerships.

Fill out the application to join as a CrakRevenue Advertiser here.

You will find more information about the process in those articles explaining How to join the CrakRevenue Network ?

You can send us an email for assistance about your advertiser account with CrakRevenue, at advertiser@crakrevenue.com or use the platform chat to discuss with us!

Step 3 : Find the PERFECT OFFER for your traffic and Get Your Links Up

Meticulously chosen for their tremendous conversion-potential, our offers represent the best of the best in the hottest verticals the market currently has to offerincluding:

  • Cam
  • Dating
  • OnlyFans Models
  • AI
  • Gaming
  • CBD

To choose the right offer for your traffic, click here to learn how to browse an offer.

Not sure which offer is best for your traffic? Our Smartlinks are your best ally!

CrakRevenue’s Smartlinks are the perfect Set & Forget tools for any Webmaster & Affiliate. Our Smartlink generator allows you to get the best offers for your traffic in the vertical of your choosing, all under 1 simple link. They are optimized daily by our in-house team of affiliate marketing specialists. It’s an easy and efficient way of generating revenue.

Smartlinks send your traffic to CrakRevenue’s top-converting offers based on user device, user location and your chosen vertical.

For more information, check out our short webinar and read this article about CrakRevenue Smartlinks.

Once you’ve selected an offer…

Once you see an offer you like based on its name, thumbnail, product description or payout… you will land on what we call the offer page.

This is the page where you’ll obtain your affiliate tracking link URL (your unique link specific to your account) and where you can obtain certain creatives, like banner ads, to begin displaying on your website, tube or blog.

At the top of this offer page, to the right, it is here you will find information about the Offer’s payout (payout type) as well as the Terms & Conditions and accepted countries with respect to this offer.

Remember, each offer’s Terms & Conditions may be different. Some offers have different restrictions and flexibilities. Be mindful of this and be sure you read this information carefully before sending traffic.

Your tracking link will contain the offer id and your affiliate id within it.

If you click Link Customization, you can add sub-IDs (trackers) to your link to clarify information to your links (such as detailing traffic sources and other relevant campaign labels).

What payout types are available?

We offer more than 400 offers with different payout types.

At CrakRevenue, you will find pay-per-lead (PPL) offers, subdivided into SOI (Single Opt-In) and DOI (Double Opt-In), pay-per-sale (PPS), Click-per-Install (CPI), RevShare, RevShare Lifetime and Cost-Per-Clicks (CPC) programs available to promote.

Because you are joining a group of Webmasters who generate large volumes of leads, you will have access to higher payouts. The more quality traffic you send, the more we will be able to raise your payout.

Payout types are not to be confused with payout tiers. Payout tiers are a categorization of world regions based on their economy and spending habits, as well as other considerations.

Is there a way to promote a specific model on MyFreeCams?

You can send your traffic directly to your favorite MFC model’s room if she’s online.

Simply add &model=nameofthecamgirl at the end of your CrakRevenue MFC link code.

(e.g., http://frtyb.com/go/1q1q1q1q/DEFAULT&model=SweetSunny)

(The above example is for examples purposes only — this is NOT your affiliate link)

If the model you choose is not online, the system will detect this and your visitor will be redirected to the MyFreeCams homepage.


Please also note: This may not always work on certain web-browsers:

IE 6,7,8 and Safari — These browsers are known to keep the user on MyFreeCams’ homepage.



Read more here:

MyFreeCams Direct-to-Model Linking

How do I choose the right offers?

It helps to know your traffic well. To be able to select an offer that will generate leads/sales, it’s important to make sure that your offer selection fits your promotion method(s) and traffic!

  • The first thing you want to try are our smartlinks! They contain our best converting offers and are auto-optimized by our team. They will fit any visitor’s location and device.


  • You can filter offers by offer vertical, payout type, niche, and country.


  • you can talk with one of our Affiliate Advisers and tell them a little bit about your traffic (which countries your visitors come from, whether they’re Mobile or Desktop users, etc.) and get tailored professional guidance.

How to pick the right tour / landing page?

At CrakRevenue, we create our own custom landing pages, as well as hundreds of banners in just about any size. It’s up to you to take full advantage of the different tour and landing page options by choosing a landing that’s best suited to your traffic.

For instance, be sure to explore all our tours for each offer in the “Choose Landing Page” section.

Some are even customized by niche (teens, MILFs, big boobs, and so on… for instance).

In the end, find the right tour for you by A/B testing.



Read more here:

Drive More Results From Your Campaigns – Pick the Right Tour!


Why are certain offers capped/blocked?

All new CrakRevenue affiliates start out with a cap of 25 leads per day, per offer, for a minimum 5-day period.

You’re just starting out with us, so this will allow us to get to know your traffic better before we grant you full access.

When will my offers become uncapped/unblocked?

We closely monitor capped accounts and will automatically lift the restriction once the conversion ratio is satisfactory. You will be notified immediately once the cap is lifted from your account. Although, If you happen to send more than 25 leads per day to a specific program during this small time period, don’t hesitate to contact your Affiliate Adviser or the support team.

What will happen to the leads I send while my account is capped/blocked?

During this trial period, if or when the cap is surpassed, the offer will be redirected to the appropriate Revshare offer. The cap is only temporary and will be lifted as soon as we’re able to see that you’re sending quality traffic that converts.

Do you geo-target your offers?

We are highly experienced in the art of geo-targeting.

Your users & visitors will always see the best available offer based on their geographic location, so you always stand to make the most money possible.


If one of your visitors from an unaccepted country visits a specific offer, this visitor will be redirected to the appropriate offer that does accept this visitor’s location.

The good news: traffic from unaccepted GEOs is never lost!

Talking about geo-targeted offers; have you heard of our Smartlinks? Find out everything you need to know HERE and optimise your traffic without lifting a finger!

Change the view mode based on your preferences

Select your Offer.

Once you have found the perfect offer, click the offer name to select it.

You can also use the View site link to preview / check out the particular offer’s landing page.

Once in the detailed offer page, you’ll have all the information about it including the offer’s description, payout type, payout rate, the accepted countries, the conversion flow, terms & conditions, etc.

How to setup your own Postback

Steps to set up an offer-specific postback:

Step 1:  Visit the offer for which you want to create a postback.

Step 2:  Expand the “Postbacks options” section.

Step 3:  Leave “Goal” at the “Default” value.

Step 4:  Click “Add Optional Variables” to insert the conversion data that you want to postback in the postback URL. (* See additional information in regards to the Optional Variables, at the end of this article)

Step 5:  Select whether your postback URL starts with “http” or “https”.

Add the rest of your postback URL in the “Type your postback URL here” field and position the previously added variables in the URL.

Finalize & create it by clicking the “Create Postback” button!

Important! If you have a global postback in place, you don’t need to create individual postbacks, as you will receive duplicated data. Always contact our support team to update your GLOBAL postback.

Learn more about Global Postback HERE

Description of the Optional Variables that can be inserted in your postback:


Macro Description
{offer_id} ID of offer.
{offer_name} Name of offer.
{offer_ref} Reference ID for offer.
{goal_id} ID of goal for offer.
{affiliate_id} ID of partner.
{affiliate_name} Company name of partner.
{affiliate_ref} Reference ID for partner.
{source} Partner traffic source specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub} Partner sub ID specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub2} Partner sub ID 2 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub3} Partner sub ID 3 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub4} Partner sub ID 4 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub5} Partner sub ID 5 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_click_id} Partner click ID specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique1} Partner unique value 1 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique2} Partner unique value 2 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique3} Partner unique value 3 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique4} Partner unique value 4 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique5} Partner unique value 5 specified in the tracking link.
{offer_url_id} ID of offer URL for offer.
{offer_file_id} ID of creative file for offer.
{file_name} Name of creative file for offer.
{advertiser_id} ID of advertiser.
{advertiser_ref} Reference ID for partner.
{adv_sub} Advertiser sub specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub2} Advertiser sub 2 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub3} Advertiser sub 3 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub4} Advertiser sub 4 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub5} Advertiser sub 5 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{transaction_id} ID of the transaction for your network. Don’t get confused with an ID a partner passes into aff_sub.
{session_ip} IP address that started the tracking session.
{ip} IP address that made the conversion request.
{date} Current date of conversion formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
{time} Current time of conversion formatted as HH:MM:SS.
{datetime} Current date and time of conversion formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
{ran} Randomly generated number.
{currency} 3 digit currency abbreviated.
{payout} Amount paid to partner for conversion.
{sale_amount} Sale amount generated for advertiser from conversion.
{device_brand} For mobile app tracking, the brand name of the mobile device (example: Apple).
{device_model} For mobile app tracking, the model of the mobile device (example: iPhone).
{device_os} For mobile app tracking, the operating system of the device (example: iOS).
{device_os_version} For mobile app tracking, the numerical version of the device operating system (example: 4.3.2)
{device_id} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device iOS UDID is deprecated as of May 1, 2013.
{device_id_md5} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device hashed with MD5 algorithm. The value should be generated based on the original value lower case. md5(aaaaaaaa1111111).
{device_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device hashed with SHA1 algorithm. The value should be generated based on the original value lower case. sha1(aaaaaaaa1111111).
{google_aid} For mobile app tracking, the Google Android advertiser identifier used to attribute clicks to installs for apps in the Google Play store.
{google_aid_md5} For mobile app tracking, the Google Advertiser ID in hashed MD5 format.
{google_aid_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the Google Advertiser ID in hashed SHA1 format.
{android_id} For mobile app tracking, the ANDROID ID for Android devices only. The value should be formatted as lower case.
{android_id_md5} For mobile app tracking, the Android ID of the Android device hashed with MD5 algorithm.
{android_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the Android ID of the Android device hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{mac_address} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter formatted as upper case with colons. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
{mac_address_md5} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter hashed with MD5 algorithm. The value should be generated based on uppercase characters with : separating colons. md5(AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF).
{mac_address_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone\’s wifi adapter hashed with Sha1 algorithm.
{odin} For mobile app tracking, the ODIN of the device which is the the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter in a binary array and then hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{mobile_carrier} For mobile app tracking, the mobile carrier of the device.
{ios_ifa} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s advertiser identifier with iOS 6+.
{ios_ifa_md5} For mobile app tracking, the IFA ID of the iOS device hashed with MD5 algorithm.
{ios_ifa_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the IFA of the iOS device hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{ios_ifv} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s vendor identifier with iOS 6+.
{unid} For mobile app tracking, the unid is not a specific device identifier, but a catch all for all of the above unique identifiers.
{mobile_ip} For mobile app tracking, the ip address for the mobile device.

Read more about postbacks:




Browse/Search Offers

The ‘Search Offers’ field allows you to easily search and find that perfect offer for all your needs. Already know the best keyword to use in the hunt for that perfect offer?  Even better!  Because this search function is the fastest way to find and navigate to an offer.

You can use the advanced search filters for a more personalized search.

In the left-hand menu, click Offers. You will then see the Offer List.

    • Available filters:
      • Vertical : the main offer category
      • Payout type : The way you will be paid per type of conversion
        – DOI : double opt-in
        – PPI : pay per install
        – PPS: pay per sale
        – Revshare : revenue sharing
        – SOI: single opt-in
      • Targeting: offers accepting a specific device.
      • Accepted Country: offers accepting one or more specific country.
      • Niche: a more specific category that specifies what type of niched content is offered.
      • Status: allows you to have a quick look around based on the different offer statuses.
        • Approved: Offers that you can start sending traffic to right away.
        • Pending: Offers you have submitted a request, for which our decision has not been made yet.
        • Rejected: Offers you previously submitted a request for and that have been rejected by our team.
        • Approval Required: Offers for which you need approval from our team. More specific information concerning your traffic and promotion method is usually required.
      • ​Accepted Promotion Method: will present to you offers that accept the promotion method you have selected.
      • Performs In: shows to you the offers that have the best results based on the geos you have selected.

Top Offers”: This tab will filter the offers by showing only the top converting ones.

Generate your Tracking link – Sub IDs

Generate your tracking link based on your preferences!

You can customize it by adding a source or another Sub ID. The information you write in the Sub Ids will automatically appear in your affiliate link.

For your landing page, you can choose between two options:

    • Auto-optimized: we’ll present the best landing page available for this particular offer at the time.
    • Manual: you select your desired landing page with this option

Then, choose between multiple creatives (different types and formats to fit all your needs!).  Select as many as you want.  A list will appear at the bottom of the page showing your selections.

    • Mouse over the magnifying glass to see a preview of the creative.
    • Use the link button to copy the creative / code to the clipboard.
    • Click the remove button at the right so that creative disappears from the list.

Why can’t I see conversions on lead-based CPA offers?

If you’re promoting a Pay-Per-Lead offer (SOI, DOI), you are paid for the leads that you generate only. We are unable to disclose any other information pertaining to the lead that we paid you for. We monitor conversions on our side for traffic quality / CPA purposes only.

If you want to know if your free-to-paid lead ratio is OK for continued eligibility into any SOI or DOI offer, you are welcome to reach out to your Affiliate Manager or our support team (if you don’t have one) and express your concerns.

However, if you’re seeking detailed information on the number of free-to-paid users you have referred, we are unable to disclose this, as it goes against our Provider’s agreements.  For those whom this is important to, we recommend promoting a RevShare model instead, as a RevShare model would provide the detailed information you’re seeking.

In short, if there’s a problem with your free-to-paid ratio or PPL offer eligibility, we’ll contact you.

Does CrakRevenue offer tutorials?

You want to know and understand how to use our platform efficiently? Check out our webinars and tutorials! Short and easy to understand, you’ll become a CrakRevenue master in no time after watching these!

Knowing your way around the platform

Everything about Offers:

Payout types

Browsing offers

Everything about Stats:

The stats panel

The origin of the conversion

Where is the conversion coming from?

Here’s What You Should Know About EPC

Tracking Made Easy with Global Postbacks

Everything about Payments:

What does ”carried over” mean?

Payment Terms

Crak’s Tools:

Survey generator

Native ads Generator

Smartlinks; a short tutorial

Everything you need to know about Smartlinks

What are Google Compliant Ads?


Hey! Got suggestions for our next tutorials? GREAT! Let us know your idea(s) at support@crakrevenue.com !

Revshare, RPS, and RS

Revshare — sometimes labeled as RS or RPS — stands for Revenue Sharing.

At CrakRevenue there are 2 types of Revshare programs:


1) Revshare Lifetime

When you promote a Revshare lifetime offer, it means you get a percentage of whatever your user spends — anytime your user spends anything.

Revshare Lifetime income is for the lifetime of the user you refer and it never expires.

Example: If you are promoting a Lifetime Revshare Cam offer, and the user registers for free, you receive no commission for this lead. You would only receive a commission if this lead of yours eventually decided on upgrading their account and purchases “tokens” or “credits.”  If the token or credit package costs $19.99, you would receive X% of that number, and this would be your Revshare earnings on that particular amount.


2) Revshare

When you promote any Revshare offer, it means you receive a promised percentage of the commissions paid by your traffic, from the advertiser.

This means that the commission paid is shared by CrakRevenue and its affiliates.

Example: If you are promoting a Revshare Nutra offer, and your user purchases a bunch of products, you receive a percentage of the commission paid by the advertiser: The commissions are shared between CrakRevenue and you. If your user spendings are $100 for instance, and the payout offered is set at 80% Revshare, you’ll receive $80 by of the payout.



For examples on how profitable Revshare offers can become, please see:

3 RevShare Rationales That Lead to Skinny-Wallet Syndrome

Rev-up Your Earnings, Permanently!


The Multi-CPA label is used to indicate that an offer can be paid on different payout types.

For example, when you use CrakRevenue Smartlinks or promote a CrakRevenue Survey, the offers shown to the user will vary depending on their geographic location and the device he or she is using. Therefore, the conversion model may vary as well and – consequently – the payout type.

Therefore, a multiple-payout model usually consists of a mix of Pay Per Lead (DOI & SOI), Pay Per Sale, and Revshare & Lifetime Revshare payouts.