How Can We Help?
The ‘Search Offers’ field allows you to easily search and find that perfect offer for all your needs. Already know the best keyword to use in the hunt for that perfect offer? Even better! Because this search function is the fastest way to find and navigate to an offer.
You can use the advanced search filters for a more personalized search.
In the left-hand menu, click Offers. You will then see the Offer List.
- Available filters:
- Vertical : the main offer category
- Payout type : The way you will be paid per type of conversion
– DOI : double opt-in
– PPI : pay per install
– PPS: pay per sale
– Revshare : revenue sharing
– SOI: single opt-in - Targeting: offers accepting a specific device.
- Accepted Country: offers accepting one or more specific country.
- Niche: a more specific category that specifies what type of niched content is offered.
- Status: allows you to have a quick look around based on the different offer statuses.
- Approved: Offers that you can start sending traffic to right away.
- Pending: Offers you have submitted a request, for which our decision has not been made yet.
- Rejected: Offers you previously submitted a request for and that have been rejected by our team.
- Approval Required: Offers for which you need approval from our team. More specific information concerning your traffic and promotion method is usually required.
- Accepted Promotion Method: will present to you offers that accept the promotion method you have selected.
- Performs In: shows to you the offers that have the best results based on the geos you have selected.
- Available filters:
“Top Offers”: This tab will filter the offers by showing only the top converting ones.