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What are some Google Analytics Mistakes to avoid?

Google Analytics provides a lot of essential data for affiliates. However, it’s just as easy at times to misinterpret this data.

Here are some of the most common Google Analytics mistakes:

  • Analyzing only one type of data.
  • Spotting the fluctuations, but ignoring the long-term view.
  • Comparing different metrics without thinking of their differences.
  • Not tracking your campaigns.
  • Not realizing the difference between Pageviews and Unique Pageviews.
  • Not segmenting data.

Read more here:


How to setup your own Postback

Steps to set up an offer-specific postback:

Step 1:  Visit the offer for which you want to create a postback.

Step 2:  Expand the “Postbacks options” section.

Step 3:  Leave “Goal” at the “Default” value.

Step 4:  Click “Add Optional Variables” to insert the conversion data that you want to postback in the postback URL. (* See additional information in regards to the Optional Variables, at the end of this article)

Step 5:  Select whether your postback URL starts with “http” or “https”.

Add the rest of your postback URL in the “Type your postback URL here” field and position the previously added variables in the URL.

Finalize & create it by clicking the “Create Postback” button!

Important! If you have a global postback in place, you don’t need to create individual postbacks, as you will receive duplicated data. Always contact our support team to update your GLOBAL postback.

Learn more about Global Postback HERE

Description of the Optional Variables that can be inserted in your postback:


Macro Description
{offer_id} ID of offer.
{offer_name} Name of offer.
{offer_ref} Reference ID for offer.
{goal_id} ID of goal for offer.
{affiliate_id} ID of partner.
{affiliate_name} Company name of partner.
{affiliate_ref} Reference ID for partner.
{source} Partner traffic source specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub} Partner sub ID specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub2} Partner sub ID 2 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub3} Partner sub ID 3 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub4} Partner sub ID 4 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_sub5} Partner sub ID 5 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_click_id} Partner click ID specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique1} Partner unique value 1 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique2} Partner unique value 2 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique3} Partner unique value 3 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique4} Partner unique value 4 specified in the tracking link.
{aff_unique5} Partner unique value 5 specified in the tracking link.
{offer_url_id} ID of offer URL for offer.
{offer_file_id} ID of creative file for offer.
{file_name} Name of creative file for offer.
{advertiser_id} ID of advertiser.
{advertiser_ref} Reference ID for partner.
{adv_sub} Advertiser sub specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub2} Advertiser sub 2 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub3} Advertiser sub 3 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub4} Advertiser sub 4 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{adv_sub5} Advertiser sub 5 specified in the conversion pixel / URL.
{transaction_id} ID of the transaction for your network. Don’t get confused with an ID a partner passes into aff_sub.
{session_ip} IP address that started the tracking session.
{ip} IP address that made the conversion request.
{date} Current date of conversion formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
{time} Current time of conversion formatted as HH:MM:SS.
{datetime} Current date and time of conversion formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
{ran} Randomly generated number.
{currency} 3 digit currency abbreviated.
{payout} Amount paid to partner for conversion.
{sale_amount} Sale amount generated for advertiser from conversion.
{device_brand} For mobile app tracking, the brand name of the mobile device (example: Apple).
{device_model} For mobile app tracking, the model of the mobile device (example: iPhone).
{device_os} For mobile app tracking, the operating system of the device (example: iOS).
{device_os_version} For mobile app tracking, the numerical version of the device operating system (example: 4.3.2)
{device_id} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device iOS UDID is deprecated as of May 1, 2013.
{device_id_md5} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device hashed with MD5 algorithm. The value should be generated based on the original value lower case. md5(aaaaaaaa1111111).
{device_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the DEVICE ID of the Android device hashed with SHA1 algorithm. The value should be generated based on the original value lower case. sha1(aaaaaaaa1111111).
{google_aid} For mobile app tracking, the Google Android advertiser identifier used to attribute clicks to installs for apps in the Google Play store.
{google_aid_md5} For mobile app tracking, the Google Advertiser ID in hashed MD5 format.
{google_aid_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the Google Advertiser ID in hashed SHA1 format.
{android_id} For mobile app tracking, the ANDROID ID for Android devices only. The value should be formatted as lower case.
{android_id_md5} For mobile app tracking, the Android ID of the Android device hashed with MD5 algorithm.
{android_id_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the Android ID of the Android device hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{mac_address} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter formatted as upper case with colons. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
{mac_address_md5} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter hashed with MD5 algorithm. The value should be generated based on uppercase characters with : separating colons. md5(AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF).
{mac_address_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the MAC address of the phone\’s wifi adapter hashed with Sha1 algorithm.
{odin} For mobile app tracking, the ODIN of the device which is the the MAC address of the phone’s wifi adapter in a binary array and then hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{mobile_carrier} For mobile app tracking, the mobile carrier of the device.
{ios_ifa} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s advertiser identifier with iOS 6+.
{ios_ifa_md5} For mobile app tracking, the IFA ID of the iOS device hashed with MD5 algorithm.
{ios_ifa_sha1} For mobile app tracking, the IFA of the iOS device hashed with SHA1 algorithm.
{ios_ifv} For mobile app tracking, Apple’s vendor identifier with iOS 6+.
{unid} For mobile app tracking, the unid is not a specific device identifier, but a catch all for all of the above unique identifiers.
{mobile_ip} For mobile app tracking, the ip address for the mobile device.

Read more about postbacks:




Generate your Tracking link – Sub IDs

Generate your tracking link based on your preferences!

You can customize it by adding a source or another Sub ID. The information you write in the Sub Ids will automatically appear in your affiliate link.

For your landing page, you can choose between two options:

    • Auto-optimized: we’ll present the best landing page available for this particular offer at the time.
    • Manual: you select your desired landing page with this option

Then, choose between multiple creatives (different types and formats to fit all your needs!).  Select as many as you want.  A list will appear at the bottom of the page showing your selections.

    • Mouse over the magnifying glass to see a preview of the creative.
    • Use the link button to copy the creative / code to the clipboard.
    • Click the remove button at the right so that creative disappears from the list.

Why can’t I see conversions on lead-based CPA offers?

If you’re promoting a Pay-Per-Lead offer (SOI, DOI), you are paid for the leads that you generate only. We are unable to disclose any other information pertaining to the lead that we paid you for. We monitor conversions on our side for traffic quality / CPA purposes only.

If you want to know if your free-to-paid lead ratio is OK for continued eligibility into any SOI or DOI offer, you are welcome to reach out to your Affiliate Manager or our support team (if you don’t have one) and express your concerns.

However, if you’re seeking detailed information on the number of free-to-paid users you have referred, we are unable to disclose this, as it goes against our Provider’s agreements.  For those whom this is important to, we recommend promoting a RevShare model instead, as a RevShare model would provide the detailed information you’re seeking.

In short, if there’s a problem with your free-to-paid ratio or PPL offer eligibility, we’ll contact you.

Reporting Options

Easily customize your stat reports with the following options:

Date Range
Select which days the results should cover. Choose a predefined range or set specific Start and End dates. Click the Apply Filter button to enable your selection.

Filtering allows you to include specific data in your report. You can include or exclude results from single or multiple offers, countries, browsers, etc.

If you are using one of the customizable Sub-IDs to identify or label a traffic source or campaign from within your stats — now you can use one of our available Filters on that specific Sub-ID to narrow the results down on that particular source/campaign.

  • Available filters are by: Vertical, Brand, Offer, Landing Page, Country, Niche, Browser/Device, Payout Type, Sub-ID 1 – 5, EPC, CTR, Payout, Impression, and by Clicks or Conversions.

Use the “More Columns” section to add additional details & criteria to the results displayed.

There are two types of columns you can add: Measures and Dimensions.

Measures are calculated metrics.  Available measures include…

  • Impressions:  The total number of impressions
  • CPM:  Cost Per Mile. Payout per thousand Impressions.
  • CTR:  Click-Through-Rate. Percentage of clicks on the number of Impressions.
  • Clicks:  Total number of clicks
  • EPC:  Earnings Per Click. Equal to the Payout divided by the number of Clicks.
  • CR: Conversion rate. Percentage of conversions on the number of Clicks.
  • Conversions:  Total number of conversions (includes all types of conversions: opt-in, PPS, Revshare…).
  • CPA:  Cost Per Acquisition. Equal to the Payout divided by the number of Conversions.
  • Payout: Money earned from conversions.

Dimensions will offer a breakdown of the results per the specified dimension selected.

For example: if you show the Date dimension along with the Offer dimension, you will see one line of results for each Date/Offer combinations.

Available Dimensions are: Offer ID, Ad Group ID, Sub ID 1- 5, Offer, Ad Group, Date, Year, Month, Week, Hour, Landing page, Source, Country, Browser / Device, Payout Type, and Creatives. 

Performance Reports

This section allows quick access to statistics sorted by Date, Country, Offer, Device and/or Vertical. Any of these parameters can serve as the basis for a more customized report tailored to your specific needs. Select a date range; add multiple filters; choose what columns are shown in the results.

Click the “Save Report” button to add a report in your Saved Report. Export your report to a CSV file by clicking the “Export CSV” button.

When accessing the STATISTICS page, the Current Period Performance Report is shown by default.

A Summary of your report is always available at the top of the page:


How to Save a Report

All stat reports can be saved. Only you have access to the reports that you save. They are saved with the data, statistics, and filters. These saved reports can then be loaded from the Saved Reports page.

To save a report, click the “Save Report” at the bottom of the page in any report and choose a name for it.

What is the difference between gross clicks and clicks in CrakRevenue?

In CrakRevenue, a click is equal to a unique. Indeed, regardless of the number of clicks the user makes on various offers, the user will always be considered unique. Therefore, the EPC calculation in CR tends to be a little higher since less clicks are interpreted when compared to other platforms.

On the other hand, the notion of gross clicks is only based on the action of clicks. Therefore, the gross clicks will show the total amount of clicks even if they are made only by a unique user.

In other words, if the same users click 5 times on the same offer/banner, it will show 5 clicks in the GROSS CLICK column and 1 click in the CLICK column. This tends to dilute the EPC value.

Does CrakRevenue offer tutorials?

You want to know and understand how to use our platform efficiently? Check out our webinars and tutorials! Short and easy to understand, you’ll become a CrakRevenue master in no time after watching these!

Knowing your way around the platform

Everything about Offers:

Payout types

Browsing offers

Everything about Stats:

The stats panel

The origin of the conversion

Where is the conversion coming from?

Here’s What You Should Know About EPC

Tracking Made Easy with Global Postbacks

Everything about Payments:

What does ”carried over” mean?

Payment Terms

Crak’s Tools:

Survey generator

Native ads Generator

Smartlinks; a short tutorial

Everything you need to know about Smartlinks

What are Google Compliant Ads?


Hey! Got suggestions for our next tutorials? GREAT! Let us know your idea(s) at support@crakrevenue.com !