Meticulously chosen for their tremendous conversion-potential, our offers represent the best of the best in the hottest verticals the market currently has to offer, including:
- Cams
- Dating
- Gaming
- Health
To choose the right offer for your traffic, click here to learn how to browse an offer.
Not sure which offer is best for your traffic? Our Smartlinks are your best ally!
CrakRevenue’s Smartlinks are the perfect Set & Forget tools for any Webmaster & Affiliate. Our Smartlink generator allows you to get the best offers for your traffic in the vertical of your choosing, all under 1 simple link. They are optimized daily by our in-house team of affiliate marketing specialists. It’s an easy and efficient way of generating revenue.
Smartlinks send your traffic to CrakRevenue’s top-converting offers based on user device, user location and your chosen vertical.
For more information, check out our short webinar and read this article about CrakRevenue Smartlinks.
Once you’ve selected an offer…
Once you see an offer you like based on its name, thumbnail, product description or payout… you will land on what we call the offer page.
This is the page where you’ll obtain your affiliate tracking link URL (your unique link specific to your account) and where you can obtain certain creatives, like banner ads, to begin displaying on your website, tube or blog.
At the top of this offer page, to the right, it is here you will find information about the Offer’s payout (payout type) as well as the Terms & Conditions and accepted countries with respect to this offer.
Remember, each offer’s Terms & Conditions may be different. Some offers have different restrictions and flexibilities. Be mindful of this and be sure you read this information carefully before sending traffic.
You tracking link will contain the offer id and your affiliate id within it.
If you click Link Customization, you can add sub-IDs to your link to clarifying information to your links (such as detailing traffic sources and other relevant campaign labels here).