Home » Day 6 – A/B testing, EPC and Global Postback (How to Start Affiliate Marketing)

Day 6 – A/B testing, EPC and Global Postback (How to Start Affiliate Marketing)

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Welcome to Day 6 of our Masterclass: How to Start Affiliate Marketing?

Trust us, A/B testing is the way to go

A/B Testing is like if you were in charge of a lab where new ideas are born and constantly tweaked. With A/B Testing, you might be comparing two versions of anything: landing pages, banners, CTA, titles – and well, you get the point. 

Both versions of your content will be randomly shown to visitors. And with the help of statistical data, you’ll be able to identify which one has better performance.

You can basically A/B test anything.

Tracking is everything

General stats tracking consists of tracking your sales by Date, Program, GEO, Tour, Category, and so on—that much is obvious.

But, having a bird’s eye view of your traffic that converts, and how it converts?  That much is up to you.

To find that treasure, you need to use trackers to differentiate your traffic sources. Just answer this one simple question:

“Where is your top converting traffic coming from?”

 If you don’t know the answer, it’s time to start tracking it.

It all comes down to this one simple idea: trackers are tools designed to generate relevant stats specific to your traffic and your promotion methods.

OK. But where do I start?

Trackers are data, and data is information. But, as we already pointed out, it needs to be relevant to your traffic.

One of the easiest ways is by using Sub IDs in your tracking links. This is unique information that you’re going to use to identify specific tracking links, or campaigns. In the example below, we added two Sub IDs: Facebook and Banner#2.

This will identify the conversions coming from Facebook (traffic source) using the banner #2 (creative or image used).

Do you own a website?

If you do, consider getting Google Analytics set up on your site immediately to begin gathering the maximum amount of data when it comes to your traffic. You can also use UTM trackers to know exactly where your visitors are coming from, and from which campaigns.

EPC, the efficiency metric

EPC (Earnings per Click) tells us the average amount of revenue by click.

For example, if 1000 people clicked on your link, and you generated $150 in total with that offer, that means you earned $0.15 per click.

Typically, a better EPC is indicative of a more efficient, successful campaign—but that’s not always the case. A higher EPC doesn’t necessarily translate to more money in your pockets.

To put it simply, would you prefer to sell two $100,000 cars once a year, or twenty cars valued at $16,000 a year? ?

Global Postback

To put it into simple words, postbacks transmit information about your conversions. At CrakRevenue, we record all the information from a user click, including affiliates’ subIDs, the payout amount for a specific offer, geo, device, banner clicked, and more. Once a conversion occurred, it’s possible to add any or all of this information to the affiliate’s platform with a postback. Global Postbacks will notify you of conversions across ALL offers.

To achieve so, the software appends different values to the tracking URL that are returned in the postback URL. For instance, if you wish to track your traffic’s device of choice, it could look something like this:


Don’t hesitate to contact your AM or Support team in order to set up a Global Postback in your account!