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Lead scrubbing is the term attributed to the process of removing non-legitimate leads.
Advertisers, affiliate networks, lead buyers — heck — ANY industry that deals with lead generation or prospective leads and potential consumer interest all set forth criteria to define what constitutes a legitimate lead from a non-legitimate one.
So, what generally constitutes a non-legitimate lead?
- “bogus” entries (e.g., fake email submissions, “Asdf@Asdf.Com“, etc.)
- inaccurate or falsified info
- duplicate submissions (based on IP address)
- fraudulent activity
- leads generated through Spam and other Terms of Service infringing techniques
Another way of looking at leads is qualified vs unqualified.
Here are the 2 biggest misconceptions behind the term and the things you can do to actually help lower your scrub rate…
Misconception #1 – “Lead Scrubbing is a network shaving.”
Misconception #2 – “Lead scrubbing isn’t necessary.”
Read our entire post to find out How to Reduce Your Scrub Rate as an Adult Affiliate!
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