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Category: Markets & Verticals

What’s hot in the affiliate marketing world? This is the place to discover all the hottest trends. The face of online advertising is changing every day. See what others, including us, are doing about it. This section aims to change your way of thinking (and the way you promote) while covering the top online marketing strategies of today, tomorrow, and yesterday.

I have $1,000 to invest in the adult niche: can you offer any recommendations?

In the affiliate marketing world in which we live, a $1,000 investment can make the difference between a hobby generating complementary revenue and a professional business.

“Money is the seed of money,” said the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau — and nearly 200 years later, this statement holds true.

If you’re looking to grow your business, spending money wisely is fundamentally crucial to your success.

Here’s what we’d do with $1,000…

If You Have a Tube Site….

  • SEA – Search Engine Advertising

Search Engine Advertising (SEA) will always be a good investment because it’s one surefire way of gaining a greater level of quality and relevance when it comes to traffic.

  • Invest in a SEM Tool

Another solid choice is to invest in a professional Search Engine Marketing (SEM) tool.

At CrakRevenue, the SEM tool we use ourselves is called SEMrush.


Read the rest here:

Bang For Your Buck:  Investing $1,000 Wisely